About me

Basic info

My name is Santiago, I'm a Fullstack Javascript & Typescript developer πŸ§‘πŸΌβ€πŸ’»

🌎 I'm from Argentina, currently based in Buenos Aires

I currently work as a part-time developer at OLA Estudio and also do freelance projects πŸ’Ό


  • Backend development - CoderhouseJS & TS (2022)
  • Backend development - Agencia de Aprendizaje a lo largo de la VidaJava (2022)
  • Fullstack web development - Agencia de Aprendizaje a lo largo de la Vida JS (2021)



  • NodeJS backend frameworks (Express, Nest, Koa)
  • SPA with React, Redux, React Router, React Query
  • Fullstack with NextJS, tRPC, SSR
  • Styling with CSS, Tailwind, Styled-components
  • SQL & NoSQL databases - MySQL, MongoDB, Firebase, Postgres


  • Python
  • Java SpringBoot
  • Docker
  • SEO

Interests & hobbies

Apart from coding I'm a musician and a music teacher. I play the piano and clarinet 🎹

I like playing videogames. I also create some of my own using Godot engine as a hobby

I enjoy coding since I was a teenager, and I've always been passionate about it πŸ€“